New School crooner Nick Colon, hailing from New York City, delivers his first single as a member of the Cutting/TST camp. "Broken" injects progressive elements of EDM into the staple freestyle mold, to give the fans a hard-edged modern sound. Top line synths rip through the upper frequency range to attack the senses, while Nick's angelic vocal performance captivates the listener. This song is sure to please the freestyle fan, old and new.
Hailing from Brooklyn, NY and calling Staten Island his home, Remio work along with producers Ernesto Santana and Luis Santana better known as The Santana Twins. Introduced to TST by a mutual friend, Remio's positive attitude and eagerness to sing convinced the producing duo to collaborate on a track to showcase his talents. After several weeks of recording and precision post-production, the song 'You Are The One' became their first collaborative effort with Remio. "You Are the One" has a hard hittingpercussive bed joined by hard edge synths not normally heard on freestyle music productions. Remio's raw vocals in concert with the music will ensure to vibe well with fans.